HortiFootprint Calculator

  • January 3, 2023
    • Collaboration
    • News
    • Success Story

Maximise sustainability impact

The horticulture industry is taking big steps forward in sustainability, yet it can be challenging to know where to target investment for the best results. How important is it to switch from plastic to compostable packaging? What is the impact of energy use? And what about chemical inputs, how important are they for environmental footprint? Detailed data analysis is crucial to make sure investments have the greatest possible impact.

The HortiFootprint Calculator, developed by MPS and LetsGrow.com, is an innovative software tool that measures the carbon footprint of horticultural production and helps growers to make more sustainable choices.

Gain valuable insights in the sustainability of your production
From energy and fertilizers to packaging and CO2 emissions – there are many variables that contribute to the environmental footprint of horticultural production. The HortiFootprint Calculator measures the carbon footprint of your business.

Explore the best ways to reduce your footprint
A scenario analysis function makes it quick and easy to calculate the impact of any changes you may make to your production activities in the future.

Meet demand for more sustainable products
There is growing demand for sustainability in the industry. The HortiFootprint Calculator provides the insights needed to develop and measure a successful sustainability strategy, and to demonstrate your impact to customers.

Easy to use platform with clear dashboard overview
The HortiFootprint Calculator is designed to be fast and user-friendly. Growers provide data via a simple registration system, and a dashboard immediately provides a clear overview of the results. It is even easier for existing LetsGrow.com clients and for growers with an MPS-ABC certification, as much of the information required to calculate the footprint has already been provided.


Ammerlaan-Sosef B.V.

VDA Plant

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